As an A.B. Chance Helical Pile certified dealer, we service Central Virginia as the Albemarle foundation repair experts. We offer professional, quality repairs throughout the area and surrounding communities. Albemarle County residents can trust our work, backed by A.B. Chance, to install a unique and effective foundation repair system.
The Chance Helical Pile System has been tested and perfected at every stage of production, from producing helical piles from only the best materials to installing helical piles using only Chance-trained crews. Our crews meet or exceed the Chance expectations of certified dealers. We take care of existing landscape and are careful to leave as much of your yard in tact wherever possible.

Of course with foundation repair, we work closely to your house; we take great care to protect your home as well. Our crews are trained to work in delicate situations around critical structures around your home. Foundation repair can require intricate digging directly beside your home, so we use only the best machine operators to accomplish these tasks.

We are pleased to serve as the Albemarle foundation repair experts. Contact us today 434-293-6724 for a free consultation!