Reynolds Contracting offers a wide variety of services to preserve your property and improve the structural integrity of your home for years to come. We emphasize prevention first – always working to avoid a problem before it starts. Foundation problems in particular usually begin long before issues are visible. As our area’s AB Chance certified dealer, we offer the best in Central Virginia foundation repair. Our crews provide the best and proper solutions using quality materials installed by an experienced and certified team of professionals.
Controlling Water
On a recent project, we found a common case of water mismanagement that had led to foundation problems. Water runoff from the roof had not been draining properly. Our first order of business was to install new downspout drains, whose primary mission is to get water away from the foundation of the home. If left unaddressed, water collection around the foundation of your home leads to foundation settlement and cracking. Once settlement occurs, the repairs can be costly, so we want to avoid those problems by redirecting water before damage occurs.
Preserving and Protecting Your Property
It’s important to note many of our projects involve existing structures and landscaping. We use care and respect to leave as much of your property undisturbed as possible. Our non-invasive approach gives our customers peace of mind and confidence that we will leave your property in better shape than we found it. Yes, construction projects inevitably require some demolition and a little dust and dirt. But with Reynolds Contracting, we keep the destruction to a minimum and focus on preservation of your home, protection of mature trees and shrubs, and maintaining your quality and pace of life.
High-Quality Products for a Successful Solution
On this particular home, some settlement had already occurred, so helical piles were necessary to support the foundation. We proudly serve as the AB Chance certified dealer for helical piles in the Central Virginia area. Using Chance materials guarantees a high-quality product; using the Chance method guarantees a successful solution. Backed by the Chance name, our promise to provide the highest degree of customer service and professionalism found within the foundation and basement repair industry.
For Central Virginia foundation repair, count on Reynolds Contracting for long lasting results. We focus on preventing problems before they start. If problems already exist, we use the least invasive solution for the longest lasting results. Using the AB Chance method with their high-quality materials, we offer the best foundation repair option in the business! Give us a call (434)293-6724 for an estimate today!